Azure SIG
Best Practices Applying Responsive Design
Presented by The Bennett Adelson Web Team
3/10/2015 5:45 PM
Cleveland Microsoft Office

Audiences today expect a web site to deliver a first-class experience to any device, from high-powered desktops to ultra-compact touch screens. Responsive Web Design is a set of modern coding techniques that helps developers meet this challenge, while user experience designers maintain their focus on the site's purpose and its users' goals.

Come hear a panel of experts from Bennett Adelson tell you how we applied Responsive Web Design on the ASP.NET platform to remodel our very own company web site, Our UX team will discuss how they designed the user experience, and our development team will show how they implemented it for the full gamut of contemporary devices. We'll also reveal the tools we used and how we leveraged Azure cloud hosting to build, test and quickly roll out the new site. Our panel presentation will be informal with plenty of opportunity for your participation.

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About Azure SIG
The Cleveland Azure Special Interest Group (Azure SIG) (formerly the Cleveland .NET SIG) was founded in a partnership between Bennett Adelson and Microsoft 20 years ago. The SIG has become the forum for Azure collaboration and instruction from some of the brightest minds in the region. The organization was founded to provide enterprise customers and community with educational support on the Azure cloud platform. The group meetings consist of architecture and implementation focused, content-rich presentations and interactive discussions with demos. The audience ranges from Azure experts to those decision makers, infrastructure engineers, and developers that are getting their first glimpse of the cloud.